Monday, July 19, 2010

Product Overview

Leesa Formula is a brand that is invented using selected herbs and high quality mixture by the recipe for ages preserved via modern technology. Leesa Formula guaranteed a 100% natural ingredients with high quality and nutritional value that can give you maximum results throughout the day.

1.1 The Logo

Leesa Formula logo uses a symbol of Herbal flower and a silhouette of happy & active gestures that portrays a relevant meaning behind it. The Herbal flower symbolize the usage of 100% natural herbal extracts that are safe to be used by the consumer and it can also be related to the tagline which is ''Quality from Nature". The silhouette of active gesture portrays the healthy lifestyle that appeared from the Leesa Formula concept that appeared with zero side effects and free from chemical substance.

1.1 Product Classification

i. Consumer : Leesa Formula Shapely Slim is made for Consumer Market.

ii. Durable : The consumption rate of Leesa Shapely Slim is Non Durable.

iii. Shopping goods:

1.2 The Product Characteristics

i. Leesa Shapely Slim contain 5 steps of complete slimming product that will improve internal and external factors that will helps to reduce weight. 5 steps of slimming package include:

Bio-Health Fatrim

Packaging : Plastic bottle that contain 60’s capsule (can be used within a month)

Price : RM 55.00

Unit of Sale : 1 bottle

Function :

a) Reduce appetite to control eating habits.

b) Decrease the cholesterol level in blood circulation.

c) Increase metabolism

d) Helps in burning calories to reduce weight.

Henim Capsule

Packaging : Plastic bottle that contain 60’s


(can be used within a month)

Price : RM 45.00

Unit of Sale : 1 bottle

Function :

a) Helps digestion & constipation problems.

b) Reduce fats, toxin throughout detoxification.

c) Reduce fat tummy.

Body Contour Gel

Packaging : Tube contain 50/100 gram Gel

(can be used within a month)

Price : RM 30.00

Unit of Sale : 1 Tube

Function : a) Cut down fats and selulite

b) Firm and moisturized skin on every

parts of tummy and hips area.

Body Contour Gel

Packaging : Tube contain 50/100 gram Gel

(can be used within a month)

Price : RM 30.00

Unit of Sale : 1 Tube

Function : a) Cut down fats and selulite

b) Firm and moisturized skin on every

parts of tummy and hips area.

Diet Meal

Packaging : One box contain 15 sachet

Price : RM 30.00

Unit of Sale : 1 Tube

Function : a) As a food substitutes to exchange heavy

meal with a more balanced healthy meal.

2.4 Distribution

i. Direct : Manufacturer - Distributor - Retail Outlet

ii. Selective Distribution : Leesa Formula Shapely Slim

using selective distribution Method which promote

their product at specific location.

Beauty & Cosmetics outlet, Pharmarcies, Beauty Kiosk.

2.5 Product Life Cycle

Leesa Formula Life Cycle

The product life cycle contain four major periods of time based on consistent report from marketing perspective. The major period include Introduction, Growth, Peak, and decline. As for Leesa Formula, this product is on the growth stage where it starts to show positive improvement in the number of sales that increase year by year. Since Leesa Formula has put much effort in advertising strategies, it shows the positive growth and will succeed if the profit shows consistently up in the number of sales.

2.5 Distinctive Features

Leesa Shapely Slim has unique features where the usage of active ingredient such as Garnicea will stimulates and penetrates deeply into cells and will be discomposed and transferred to exclude in intro. It can also strengthen the heart function and improve the human endocrine and microcirculation to change obesity fat to achieve ideal number of weight.

2.5 Unique Selling Proposition

Leesa Shapely Slim is a complete slimming package that contains five types of product with 100% natural ingredients for women age 20 – 35 who concern about their body fitness.

2.8 Sales & Distribution History

The table shows units by products sold by Leesa Formula every year. It is proven that Leesa Formula products increase their sales consistently every year.

2.9 The New Product Line

Leesa formula has invented various type of product each year. Since 2003 until now,Leesa Formula have invent 8 types of different product that will benefits consumer who would look for healthy lifestyle.

2.9.1 ALOGA

Aloe Vera is the latin name of Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera or Aloe vera has been well known among experts as a herbal "medicine plant". Written report shows that Aloe Vera has been used for centuries. In the golden age of Islam, it is used to treat the Muslim army of Sultan Iskandar Zulkarnain. Queen Cleopatra is also said to use Aloe Vera to soften skin and shiny hair so successful over Julius Caesar. Civilization of Egypt called Aloe Vera as an “immortal tree” and includes it as part of a gift buried in the royal tomb.

Gamat is live within the sea bed and used since 400 years ago among the Malays, It has been widely use especially in Langkawi to heal external wounds and even internal wounds on human’s body. In addition, sea cucumber is also used by women after childbirth than is widely used in China since 1757 and known as' sea ginseng. "


Discovering the goodsite of Manjakani, LEESA formula has been formulating a range of products that fully utilize Manjakani as a best gift from nature and can be used to improved internal and external beauty of a women. The product consists of Intimate Sweetheart Drink, Powder Intimate, Intimate Wash and Long Jack’s Essence.

Manjakani, considered as a whole 'magic', produced by a process of metamorphosis when an insect stings are alight and hatch their eggs on oak leaves. The eggs yet hatch to produce enzymes that stimulate the supply of food in the leaf cells to the formation of a hard ball called Manjakani.

Manjakani been widely used in traditional medicine over the centuries by Arabs, Iranians, Indians, Chinese and Malay. In fact, it is believed that it has been used since before 2725 AD by the ancient Egyptians. Studies show that Manjakan has rich tannin, acid tanik, anti-oxidant, vitamins (especially vitamin A and C), calcium, fiber, protein, iron and carbohydrates. Manjakani also contains elements such as astringent, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory.

2.9.3 SI NOSE

Leesa Formula introduced Sinose Set sinus treatment with five specialized products to help relieve sinus problems and has received approval from the Ministry of Health of sinus tablets, capsules NoseClear, boom Bekam Smoke SiNose, SiNose Face Soap and Herbal Treatment SiNose Face Powder.

The Past traditional medicine practitioner has identified several types of herbs that would helps to cure Sinus which is tamarind, cinnamon and many more.


The Premium Set called Confine Mum is specially design with practical material to be used as complete abstinence for women after gives birth to a child. This premium set is special because it contains traditional herbs in a modern way of usage. It is ease of usage and can be used individually without other’s guidance.

All products in Premium Set ConfineMum is made from sources that have been used for many years by various generation in Malaysia such as, herbal medicine `pot ', and the use of waist trimmer or ginger dressing.


Understanding the importance of healthy & beautiful skin (especially skin), Leesa Formula has been formulating the best product based on three key resources to cover the Plugin, ENZYME & VITAMIN C in the range of three products, namely Skin Supplement.

The three natural resources were extracted, isolated, compacted and distilled into the most pure form with no chemical impurities skin with body and facial treatments from the inside and outside.

Leesa Formula believe that the use of three sources who had been abridged popular throughout the world as the primary basis for youth aging products and beauty treatments will be able to promise the best effect for the skin of the young, bright, and the tension in addition to a healthier body.


This is specially design for those who have problems related to joint pain, brittle bone and muscle tension, Leesa Formula Set out two products that have proved memorable and safe to use, to reduce the pain of joints, muscles and bones and give better for the body health.


Strong bones are very crucial part to the human body. The major problem of fragile hollow bones is caused by the deterioration of bone tissue decrease in bone density called osteopherosis. If the bones brittle and hollow, the risk of bone fracture will happen and it will caused pain and disturbing the body health of a human.

The most perfect way of guarding bones lifestyle advice in addition to practice is to ensure calcium intake along with vitamin D besides do not forget to taste exercises.


Say goodbye to sagging breasts, not elastic and the small size and flat. Return the
breasts of fresh, plump and taut, as is often desirable to network two breast care products which is BODYBEAUTY: A complete care that combines three products which is Breast Enzyme Mask, Breast Firming Cream and Enlargement Breast Cream.

Set Breast Care contains 3-Step BodyBeauty and Gegan Root Plus and it is a unique with natural formula. It is specially formulated with the main content of traditional herbal such as Pueraria Mirifica (in BodyBeauty) and Pueraria Lobata (in Gegan Root Plus).Pueraria Mirifica is a plant that grows in a circle around the large trees and is only available in Thailand.


A combination of Collagen and Vitamin C essence that will improve skin condition. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that slows the rate of free radical damage are unstable molecules that damage collagen and cause skin dryness, fine lines and wrinkles. New research shows that ascorbic acid 2-phosphate, a derivative of vitamin C, not only neutralizes free radicals, but also reverses DNA damage.


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