Monday, July 19, 2010

Research and Development

9.0 Research & Development

9.1 Methodology

The methodology created using several tools of techniques include Survey, Interview, observation and brand experience. Secondary research conducted through findings from articles and journals on the net. Below are complete explanations regarding the research development:

9.1.1 Interview

A simple Interview was conducted with the biggest Stockiest owner which is Madam Ann binti Hamid at Damansara,Kuala Lumpur. The interview was made on 07 July 2010 to gain some information that is useful for our research and it will be used as a methodology for our analysis.

9.1.2 Participant Observation

For the product participation, two product have been chosen as for experimental in gaining true results in losing weight and both product using different types of slimming solution which also make a differences in achieving results.


Leesa Formula

Jus mate 5

Types of product

Pills, Liquid, Fiber, Lotion

Juice in powder

Duration of effectiveness

3 Months

2 – 3 months

Number of Kilos lost within one month

1-2 kilos

3 – 4 kilos


RM 240 (could buy individual


RM 200

Location of Product

Own individual outlet

No actual outlet

Disciplinary of diet

Not Needed


Overall Remarks

Leesa Formula works well for internal and external slimming because it contains five active solutions and it is also convenience because we could buy the item separately.

Jus mate 5 is just covered more on internal fat burner. Thus, cellulite and flabby will be seen after losing weight. Jusmate 5 comes out in one product which is more expensive and it comes only in orange flavor which may not suites the asthmatics user.

9.1.3 Survey

The survey was conducted with a sample of 150 people located in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. This survey has been distributed via two types of method which is:

a) Manual Survey : Question distributed by hand through 100 person to get the

real understanding of the product

b) Online Survey : Online survey has been created using free survey form that

include on the internet and 50 person has joined this survey

A survey consisting of 14 questionnaires was done to define the right target audience for Leesa Shapely Slim. The content of the survey is more on the awareness of the statistics of women’s obesity problem and also some introduction about Leesa Formula to overcome their obesity problem.

The chart shows that 110 are females and 40 are males participated in the survey

The chart shows that 50 people are aged 16-20, 80 people aged 21-30 and 20 people aged 31-40 who joined the survey with success.

Based on the race observation, 110 people are Malays, 30 people are Chinese and 10 more were Indians.

As for the income range, 10 of them are people who gain below RM 500, 120 of other people wins the majority number of participation which earned an income between RM501 to RM 1000, whereas 15 more are the people who earned income between RM 2001 to RM 3000, and last but not least 5 professionals who earned income that are RM 3000 and above.

For the education level, 15 people who joined this survey are people who had PMR or SPM. The other 20 people are diploma holders and 110 people are bachelor’s degree holders from private and local universities. Last but not least, 5 people have post graduate education level.

The graph above shows employment status of people who participated in the survey. 107 were students, 7 were unemployed, 30 were non-executives, 3 executives, and 3 others are from managerial level.

This type of questionnaire is important in observing the real phenomena of obesity that happens in Kuala Lumpur and also some area in Selangor. This questionnaire is actually to identify the body frame of a person either their body mass index (BMI) is ideal or being obese.10 person who actually answered this question does have a lean and thin body where they have to gain more weight in achieving healthy and ideal BMI.50 others who joined this survey do have a moderate build body which is ideal for a person. Whereas, 90 people do recognize that they do have rounded and heavy body which is obese and this statistics have proven that more than half of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor citizen do have an obese problem.

This questionnaire is more towards a public perception regarding their health and appearance. This is important to see how particular is a person to find alternative in ensuring their health and physical appearance to be perfect along the journey of life. For the time being, 10 of them who says No is actually people aged 16-20 who not really concern about their health since they do feel that they are still young and not being able to worried about the matters since their parents is already keep in track about their level of health. The others 140 who answered this question always concern about their health and appearance to actually gain a healthy life with true fitness.

This graph shows that 100 of people have not tried slimming product before and the other 50 already tried the slimming product with different brands. This question is important to investigate how public’s concern into getting a product for their fitness. In the same time, we could identify the real target market that need to be approach.

After analyzing the real target audience for the slimming product, this is the time where we could identified which type of slimming product publics prefer so that we could push more on this item so that it reach directly based on market demand. Based on the analysis, 6 of them would prefer to use patches that are easily sticks to the external part of their skin. The other 9 would prefer to use slimming lotion that is hot to burn up their calories. The next 10 prefer to drink slimming tea to help in ease of their bowel system. Fiber meal is top two slimming product that is chosen by 30 people. The most popular slimming product that is selected by 80 people is juice that will not only cut their calories but also helps in improving their skin condition.

This question is created to see the popularity of each product based on their marketing strategy. The most well known product among publics is Jusmate 5 that gets highest rating which is 90 people that have interest into getting their product. The second highest with 40 people would be Leesa Formula since they have invest more in television commercial and also promote it during women’s talk show program. The third highest were equal to both slimming company which is Natasya and Sendayu Tinggi. The reason behind this is because Natasya is better known to its skincare product whereas Sendayu Tinggi is better known in cosmetics products.

This general question is created to study the establishment of Leesa Formula towards publics. 105 publics say they knew Leesa Formula as an expertise in slimming product whereas another 45 people do not know well about Leesa Formula.

For this questionnaire, we would like to observe which type of marketing do works well and direct to the public’s interest. 3 of them say that they know Leesa from Online ads since Leesa is still knew via online ads technology. 7 of them heard Leesa from words of mouth via friends and relatives. The other 50 get to know about Leesa from Print Ads via Malaysian’s local Magazine such as Mingguan Wanita, Nona and so on. The majority of 90 people knew Leesa from Television either from commercial breaks or during other television live programs.

This chart shows the factors that determine the participants of the survey into getting a slimming product. It is a must for Leesa Formula in knowing which factors that triggers public’s interest in having the product. 4 of them would look for location basis where the ease of location would be preferred. 11 more people would prefer to go look for price before choosing a product. 15 more people would look for brand recognition and the other 44 would look into ingredients which are preferable using natural ingredients. The top factor with 76 people is looking for good quality of establish product that are certified by Ministry of Health.


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