Friday, October 1, 2010

FYP Proposals

Proposal Number : One

Topic : Lets Stop Male Obesity

Proposal : Lets Stop Male Obesity

Brand : Fitness First

Product Category : PSC

Target Audience : adult 30 – 45

Information :

This campaign is about obesity among man. We are trying to spread the awareness to the public especially gentleman about this issue as it has been getting more serious. Men unlike women are much more likely to end up with central obesity. At around the middle – the very type that is linked to the metabolic syndrome. Obesity describes a bodily condition,where the body weight is much greater than what is healthy.

Market Situation :

More than 70 percent of Malaysian men in urban areas are obese or overweight, according to a survey revealed in health ministry.

Issue and Problem: 1.Promotional strategy is not powerful enough
2.Lack of manpower or volunteers among publics

3.Many people in Malay is still not aware about the existence of obesity among man

4.No continuous campaign for obesity.

Ideas / Concepts: -Improve promotional strategy based on 4ps concept but using only 3Ps as for PSC


-Adding volunteers via social media network.

-Provide powerful brand image to expose the statistics of obesity among men

-Consistence of campaign every year

Citation / Reference:

Proposal Number : Two

Topic : Hypertension among kids

Proposal : Hypertension among kids.

Brand : Toys r us.

Product Category : PSA

Target Audience : 8 – 12

Information :

This announcement is more specifically to create awareness among parents into concern about their kids. High blood pressure,also called hypertension, is a condition most often associated with adults. But kids can have high blood pressure too, even as infants. An estimated 3% of kids have high blood pressure. Many kids and teens with high blood pressure have no other health problems but do have a family history of hypertension and an unhealthy lifestyle — a bad diet, excess weight, stress, and insufficient physical activity.

Market Situation :

Twenty one percent of school children had High Blood Pressure or hypertension, especially the prevalence was higher among the overweight kids.

Issue and Problem: 1.Lack of exposure in Advertising Strategy regarding parents concern

2.Lack of approach regarding Healthy Lifestyle culture among kids.

3.No consistence PSA regarding Hypertension among kids

Ideas / Concepts : -Usage of provocative copy writing and fully utilize different types of media.

-Create Healthy Lifestyle theme that contains colorful concept into the PSA to create kids attention

-Consistency in producing PSA for Hypertension for parents awareness.

Citation / Reference:

Proposal Number : Three

Topic : Wearing Hijab as a Fashion

Proposal : Wearing Hijab as a fashion

Brand : Hajaba

Product Category : PSC

Target Audience : Young adults 20 -30

Information :

This campaign is about to approach muslim women on the intention of wearing hijab according to religion basis.According to the Holy Quran God tells the believing men and women to lower their gaze and to dress modestly.He (God) specifically addresses women when He asks them not to show off their adornment, except that which is apparent, and draw their veils over their bodies. As time grows,Hijab becomes more on fashion apparel and no longer as a mandatory from god. This campaign is held not only to show the message from Holy Quran but it is also to show the logic evidence on the positive side of wearing hijab.

Market Situation :

80 percent of women in muslim countries have practice wearing Hijab as their uniform and for fashion basis

Issue and Problem : 1.Brand Image or identity of wearing Hijab is not strong enough

2.Lack of understanding about the relevant of wearing Hijab in early age among parents

3.Non of campaign held in Malaysia regarding the intention of Hijab based on Islamic perspectives

4.Too conservative lifestyle in religion basis.

Ideas / Concepts : - Improve on Brand Image and include catchy tag line as to remind the mandatory of wearing hijab in Islam

-Give complete materials for parents during the campaign regarding the usage of Hijab based on Islamic perspectives.

-Held a campaign under types of Hijab fashion and approach the Muslim women into the sacred intention based on Muslim perspectives

-Create modern lifestyle theme so that it would trigger audience curiosity.

Citation / Reference :

Proposal Number : Four

Topic : Shape your life with Leesa Shapely slim

Proposal : Shape your life with Leesa Shapely slim

Brand : Leesa Formula

Product Category : Beauty,Cosmetic, and Toiletries

Target Audience : Young Adults 20 – 35

Information :

Obesity describes a bodily condition, where the body weight is much greater than what is healthy. Determining whether a person is Obese or not depends largely on the measurement of a person's body mass index (BMI). A BMI, that is higher than 30-35 is considered Obese.

Market Situation : 45% of Malaysians were obese and overweight and the study also showed that almost 15% of those over 30 years old were diabetic, an increase of 250% over 10 years. Over 25% also had high cholesterol

Issue and Problem : 1.There a lot of slimming product nowadays in Malaysia but it not really safe

when the product contain unsafe medical ingredients in it and it can be

very dangerous to people that take unknown ingredients that will effect their health

2.The ministry is reviewing the scope of acceptable publicity material and its most likely that the content of advertisements will be narrowed to carrying only the ingredients involved and proven qualities.

3.Most of the product that used safe ingredients is expensive.

Ideas / Concepts : -Approach marketing strategies that provides the evidence from health ministry

regarding the natural ingredients that been used in shapely slim product.

-Highlighted the proof about the safety logo provided by the ministry of health

-Reasonable price instead with safe ingredients.

Citation / Reference :


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